A Word in Favor of Truth

Post-election mess has convicted me of one thing:

God is still king, and man is broken.

I didn't realize how true the latter was until I saw it among my friends, people who professed themselves to be Catholic and then spoke vitriol into the aether, defending cruelty, racism, sexism, and denouncing protests against sinful behavior and saying in the same breath that they had empathy for their fellow man.

I am not democrat, nor am I republican. I'm Catholic. There is social responsibility when it comes to being Catholic. That responsibility is to stand for Church teaching, to stand against evil, and to fight for the right. We're to defend our fellow man. It is scandalous not only to defend evil, but to stand by and wait for it to happen. This applies to Republican policies and Democratic polices alike.

We have a responsibility to know what's going on in the world, and to respond accordingly; yes, as citizens, but further, as Catholics. The truth stands under scrutiny. Why do you fear criticism of the man that you've taken as your hero? If he stands for the right, then it will come out. If he stands for the wrong, stop supporting him -- and stop scandalizing a hurting world that is falling down, broken as people who profess themselves to be followers of Christ blindly support evil behavior.