The Shame Cycle

I'm a millennial, and I've been told to be ashamed of that.

By who? Articles, well meaning grown-ups, fellow, self-deprecating millennials. Ah, those funny millennials! They can't save money, they're perpetually distracted at work, they're so entitled.

I will tell you a secret: it is easy to shame someone, but it's hard to inspire change. The times that I have grown aren't because someone underlined my flaws, but because someone believed I was better than I was and I rose to the occasion. 

There are flaws in my generation. I'm fighting an uphill battle for focus charged by a social media addiction and I own that. Yet I'm still fighting, and I know many people my age who fight as well; I know many people my age who are grateful for the parenting we received because we know our worth. I know that because we know our worth, we fight for better pay because yes, the jobs we have are hand to mouth. We can't save money? Neither could you if rent was a grand a month and you only make two.

Still, we're shamed. Articles upon articles, we've broken every industry and it's all our fault and we're so silly and stupid and shallow and vapid. So remember: the articles do not speak the truth. Remember what you were told by the people who helped you to grow: you matter. You are important. You deserve to be loved and treasured and the fact that you can only manage to save $100 a month is okay. This is where you are in life; you will grow, you will learn, you will perform and you will have exciting new ideas -- maybe better than anyone has had before. And the best part? You don't need their approval. All you need is your own.