It's easy to be a critic. Pick a flaw, any flaw, and you're well on your way. There's a time and place for criticism, and merit, too; but take care, because it only goes so far. When criticizing art, you can judge whether it is objectively beautiful or not -- but unless you know and have discussed with the artist, you cannot know their full intent. You cannot know how much time they invested in the project; you cannot know whether or not they cared.
Criticism is necessary, but it is also safe. The scourge of having an unpopular opinion may bear a stigma, but imagine the power you wield: you can topple someone's lifelong dream in a few words.
Creation is hard, and it is scary. You may bare your heart or you may not, but either way, you have invested time and effort into a project, into art, and now you lay it before the community to judge. Whether it is good or not, you've created something. You've had the drive to finish, you've had the courage to tell your story.
I challenge the critics to step out and create: feel the fear, the worry, the danger. Yes, your criticism is necessary; but all of the criticism in the world is not a single piece of art. What will you make if you turn your criticism on yourself? I challenge you to be brave.