It's been almost a year since I wrote a blog post, and much has happened. I'm between TV shows and realizing the full extent of how freelance is tiring and un-fun, starting up a job doing transcription later this week (which will hopefully be better), and today, I quit Twitter.
I had an emotional reaction, and that's okay. I always hated the feeling that people didn't care about what I had to say, and Twitter was the first place to share thoughts for myself (without worry about what anyone would think). In more recent years, it became a place where my thoughts and ideas found their audience with people who liked and related to them. I like the window into the mind of each creator that participates in the platform; Twitter enabled me to get to know and meet one of my favorite creators, Ben Hatke.
I'm not quitting Twitter because social media is evil and I need real human connection. Yes, I need real human connection, but Twitter was not a substitute for it (as I learned all too well when scrolling through social media made me feel MORE lonely on bad days). I'm quitting Twitter because the CEO of Twitter consistently enables racist and nazi behavior. You can look it up -- there's whole spiel about how Twitter doesn't want to define truth or right and wrong. That's a tough pill for me to swallow because I believe right and wrong are objective, and even if Jack Dorsey does not support nazis (and I hope he doesn't), supporting a morally relative world where bullies and doxxers aren't penalized isn't something I want to do. I hope that one day, Twitter changes. There's a lot of good about it. But for now, off I go.
Thanks to Mike Schur for taking this step first and giving me the courage to say goodbye.