This is probably because I have been on Twitter for 7 years. There have been multiple times today and yesterday that I've thought of something I wanted to tweet to express myself.
It's odd and neat to see how habits grow up around platforms. Now I get to listen to my own thoughts in my head. Partially strange that I did that more rarely, but expressing yourself is important, too. I'll be exploring different outlets. It's odd to adjust. We'll see how I do.
Going out of town this Thursday. It's always strange to go back home; I love my family, but I don't quite fit there anymore. My life is here, my routine is here. It's painful that the people I love are so far away; sometimes it makes me wonder if I should move back. Then I remember why I moved to LA in the first place, and that's to make this lonely city feel a little more loved while pursuing screenwriting. I'm also starting a new job doing transcription. I'm afraid that I'll be bad at it, but looking forward to the challenge. I've been practicing typing faster and faster, which is also a good skill to have as a writers' assistant.
I want to be back in a writers' office with all of my heart, but I'm doing my best to be patient. Hopefully, working in transcription will be a blessing and a good, flexible mode of income for when I'm between shows, both now and moving forward... and I have dreams of trips to New York and Europe, which I'd be able to do while transcribing. We'll see what the future holds -- and what will happen if I keep blogging regularly.